Registration Form

“Skool” year

After “Skool”
Tuesdays and Thursdays: 3:00pm-5:30pm
Price $75/day

Mommy/Daddy and Me
Sundays 9:30-11am (twice a month)
Price: $60/day per child

Summer Camp
Monday-Friday: 9:00am-1:00pm
Ages: 2 – 7 years old
Price $375/week

-No Credits, no refunds


Childs Information

For which program would you like to register?
Max. file size: 32 MB.
Name of Child(Required)
Each child must have his own registration form!
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Skool Year is for ages 2-6
Summer camp is from ages 2-7
Mommy and me is for all ages

Family Information


Emergency Contacts

Child will be released only to the custodial parent(s) or legal guardian(s) and the persons listed below. The following people will also be contacted and are authorized to remove the child from the facility in case of illness, accident or emergency, if for some reason, the custodial parent(s) or legal guardian(s) cannot be reached:

Name and phone number(s) of person(s) other than parents allowed to pick up your child

I give Little Creative Souls permission to photograph and/or videotape my child for marketing purposes.(Required)

LCS policy


If your child has any food allergies or special diets, it is necessary to include it in the registration form.


  • Parents are asked to park and walk their child up to our place.
  • Please do not drop your child off BEFORE 9 am as we are setting up for the day.


  • Parents are asked to park and walk up to the checkout station to pick up their child
  • Parents are asked to adhere to the pre-designated pick-up times
  • If someone besides the legal guardian will be picking up your child that day, please send a written note. That person must be on your emergency contact list and must show a valid ID. They also must be over 18 years old.


  • If a child does register a high  temperature, they will not be allowed to attend camp until they are 24 hours free of fever. 
  • If your child has any food allergies or special diets, it is necessary to include it in the registration form.
  • No shared items such as plates, cups, or condiments. Please, make sure all your child’s items are labeled


  • If your child is feeling ill please have them stay at home
  • Children will be sent home if they have a fever of 100 or greater if they have more than two of the following symptoms, headache, cough, shortness of breath,difficulty 6 breathing, fever chills, muscle pain, sore throat, the new loss of taste or smell they will be sent home for evaluation.
  • All children and staff sent home with COVID-like symptoms have to be diagnostically tested before returning to school.
  • Children and staff should remain home from school until they receive the test results.



  • A child may not show up to school without prior notification
  • In the event of a refund a processing fee will be applied


  • We have a no refund policy and are unable to offer make-up classes, credits, or refunds for days missed.
  • The school ensures and prepares teachers and materials based on the knowledge of the prior capacity of that day.
  • There is generally a waitlist for attendance and have allocated the spot to your family
  • We pride ourselves on a small and focused group, hence, must assure the appropriate amount of students.
  • Due to the Backyard’s limited maximum capacity, we are not able to provide you with make-up time. (no exceptions: sickness, bad weather, or others).
  • We do our best to accommodate any special needs of your family. However, we cannot prorate your enrollment based on the number of days your child attends. Our program is intended for the child to be present during all the days/hours that you have signed up for. In the event of a cancellation, the day/week/month tuition will be refunded in full only if notified up to 2 weeks prior to the start of class except for a transactional fee of 3%. Cancellations must be received in writing, via email, up to 2 weeks prior to the first class. Cancellations within 2 weeks of the class start date will not be refunded or credited towards another day. Additionally, any day missed during the session, will not be refunded, and makeup days are not offered.


The parent/legal guardian warrants that the child is physically fit and able to participate in the activities, and consents to any employee, agent, or personnel affiliated with Little Creative Souls to seek medical attention and treatment or other measures deemed necessary or advisable in the discretion or judgment of LCS Personnel for the above-named child in the event of an accident, sudden illness, or other condition that occurs while the above-named child is in the care or under supervision of LCS Personnel.

The parent/legal guardian further understands that LCS Personnel will make reasonable efforts to notify the parent/legal guardian in the case of an accident, sudden illness or other condition, but authorizes LCS Personnel to seek such care or treatment, and for any care or treatment to be administered, even in the event that either parent or legal guardian are not contacted prior to the seeking or rendering of such care, treatment, or other measures.

The parent/legal guardian signing this form releases Little Creative Souls and all LCS Personnel from and of any liability for such decisions or actions in seeking medical care, and agrees to pay all the cost and fees for the medical care or treatment authorized under this Emergency Medical Authorization. Liability Waiver

The parent/legal guardian agrees to hold harmless Little Creative Souls and all LCS Personnel, and the owner of the property and property ( 139 NE 25th ST, Miami FL 33137) operated by Little Creative Souls made available for backyard activities, from any claims, damages, losses and/or expenses arising out of participation in backyard activities and to assume all liability for any and all personal injury, bodily injury, illness or property damage that occurs as a result of participation in such backyard activities.

I acknowledge that I freely chose to attend Little Creative Souls’ Backyard listed above. I understand that Little Creative Souls’ Backyard has taken all reasonable precautions to protect parents, students and employees from exposure to COVID-19 during this program. Those measures include social distancing while manipulating food and sanitization. I agree that by attending this Summer Camp, I will fully comply with all such measures or face ejection from the Backyard Activity. I further acknowledge that my attendance may expose me to the risk of exposure to COVID-19 despite the above measures and I assume any such risk that may arise therefrom. I accept full responsibility for all medical expenses for any injuries or exposure I might receive by reason of my attendance. 

By signing this form, I also hereby release Little Creative Souls’ Backyard, teachers, employees and the property (139 NE 25th ST, Miami FL 33137) from and against any and all claims, demands, actions, complaints, suits or other forms of liability that any of them may sustain arising out of (a) my attendance at this program, (b) a failure to comply with the measures imposed by LCS Backyard, (c) a failure to comply with local, state, and federal laws and policies, procedures, and the Little Creative Souls’ Backyard Code of Conduct; or (d) arising out of any damage or injury caused by myself or my child.. I also agree to indemnify and hold harmless the released parties from the released claims, including any and all related costs, attorney fees, liabilities, settlements, and/or judgments

The parent/legal guardian also warrants that participation in this program is voluntary and that the children and the parent/legal guardian understand the inherent risks involved in backyard activities, and the campers agree to obey all rules and policies mandated by camp personnel.


By signing below, I agree to adhere to all the Policies and Procedures set for by Little Creative Souls.

MM slash DD slash YYYY
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