What To Bring

Summer Camp

Monday – Friday : 9:00am – 1:00 pm

Ages: 2 – 7 Years Old

Price: $375/week per child


Please read carefully and make sure to have all the following items daily. We appreciate your attention to this list.

  • Peanut free summer camp. Please do not send any food that contains or may contain peanuts.
  • Small, labeled backpack- (in which all the following items fit into) 
  • Plastic bag
  • Water bottle filled (labeled) 
  • Snacks 
  • Comfortable shoes to be worn- gym shoe recommended 
  • Sunscreen and mosquito repellent (please apply sunscreen and mosquito repellent before you arrive) 
  • Extra clothes (2 pairs of shirts, pants, socks, underwear)
  • If your child is not potty trained, please bring diapers and wipes

* Also, please note- wear clothing that can and will get dirty. Make sure to have your children’s name clearly written on all personal items (including water bottle, lunchbox, clothes, and backpack)


  • Families are asked to bring their own snack and lunch 


  • If your child has any food allergies or special diets, it is necessary to include it in the registration form.

Daily Schedule

9am to 1pm

A taste of our day

9-9:15 am


9:15-9:45 am

Free play

9:45-10 am

Morning meeting

10:00-10:15 am

Morning Snack

10:15-11:30 am

Creative play outdoors/Exploration

11:30-1:00 pm

Transition, Lunch, Clean-up


· Parents are asked to park and walk their child up to our place.
· Please do not drop your child off BEFORE 9 am as we are setting up for the day.
· If a child does register a temperature, they will not be allowed to attend camp until they get tested negative for COVID19.


· Parents are asked to park and walk up to the checkout station to pick up their child
· Parents are asked to adhere to the pre-designated pick-up times
· If someone besides the legal guardian will be picking up your child that day, please send a written note. That person must be on your emergency contact list and must show a valid ID. They also must be over 18 years old.


· If your child has any food allergies or special diets, it is necessary to include it in the registration form.
· The health and safety of our community is our number one priority. In light of the Covid-19 events, we want everyone to know the health and safety precautions we are taking so you can make an informed decision about sending your child to school. We are focused on taking preventative measures to minimize any risk during your child’s time with us this year. We have taken many steps, including enhanced cleaning procedures, wiping down frequently touched surfaces and the bathroom.
· No shared items such as plates, cups, or condiments. Please, make sure all your child’s items are labeled


· Children will have their temperature taken.
· Procedure for assessment of staff/children with symptoms of COVID-19
· If your child is feeling ill please have them stay at home
· Children will be sent home if they have a fever of 100 or greater if they have more than two of the following symptoms, headache, cough, shortness of breath, difficulty 6 breathing, fever chills, muscle pain, sore throat, the new loss of taste or smell they will be sent home for evaluation.
· All children and staff sent home with COVID-like symptoms have to be diagnostically tested before returning to school.
· Children and staff should remain home from school until they receive the test results.

• For the monthly and daily options, we need to be notified a week prior to the commencement of the month in order to reserve the spot
• A child may not show up to school without prior notification
• Full payment is due 1 week prior to the start date in order to save your spot. If the payment is not made before the week starts, we will not be able to save your spot.

Due to the following factors, we have a no refund policy and are unable to offer make-up classes, credits, or refunds for days missed.
• The school ensures and prepares teachers and materials based on the knowledge of the prior capacity of that day.
• There is generally a waitlist for attendance and have allocated the spot to your family
• We pride ourselves on a small and focused group, hence, must assure the appropriate amount of students.
• Due to the Backyard’s limited maximum capacity, we are not able to provide you with make-up time. (no exceptions: sickness, bad weather, or others).
• We do our best to accommodate any special needs of your family. However, we cannot prorate your enrollment based on the number of days your child attends. Our program is intended for the child to be present during all the days/hours that you have signed up for. In the event of a cancellation, the day/week/month tuition will be fully refunded only if notified up to 2 weeks prior to the start of class except for a transactional fee of 3%. Cancellations must be received in writing, via email, up to 2 weeks prior to the first class. Cancellations within 2 weeks of the class start date will not be refunded or credited towards another day. Additionally, any day missed during the session, will not be refunded, and makeup days are not offered.

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